Friday, July 31, 2009


I am so late on the Kings of Leon boat but I am so in love with this song. It's one of those jams where you dance around in your underwear with your hairbrush. I also am really loving Kid Cudi's Make Her Say. I'm hoping Mr. Ho will take me to the Kanye/Gaga concert in September!

Yesterday, Mr. Ho and I watched 2 hours of Friends. If that show was still on the air, it would still be a hit. And now I'm watching Saved By The Bell. Did you guys see the new People cover? Who doesn't love the Jesse Spano caffeine pill overdose? I'm so excited! I'm so, so scared!


Diana said...

saved by the bell needs to be on at more convenient times of the day... like, every hour of the day!

Unknown said...

Go Bayside