Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Good Moods/Bad Moods

Today, I am in such GREAT spirits! Must be the weather. I am MADE to THRIVEEE in this kind of weather. Cali weather, I guess. BFFF and I are still conspiring on the move to the west coast. We both tried to win the MegaMillions but that didn't happen. We'll have to try something else. Too bad there are some raging fires going on right now. Not to mention a piss-poor job market. I am happy to be happy today. And yes, I meant to say happy twice. I've had a really bad couple of days.

So I just finished re-reading the Harry Potter series. Don't laugh at me. It was awesome. I totally forgot what happened in the last book and it was like reading it for the first time! Right now, I'm finally reading Water for Elephants, which I bought for Hong Kong and never got around to. I'm only on chapter 3 but it's really good so far. I was skeptical about reading about a circus, but I like it so far.

Yesterday, I'm laying on my couch watching some television when I hear some rustling outside. I thought it was some of our lawnmower people. But I peep outside and see my mother-in-law pulling weeds in our backyard! I just wanted to die. Our yard is a serious jungle right now. Disgusting, actually. And here she is, pulling all the weeds. Then she swept our garage. OMG. So awful. I'm thankful to have such a kind mother-in-law but, still.... Embarrassing!

I just tore up 2 croissants in a matter of minutes. If I had a 3rd, I'd eat it too...


Unknown said...

I glad you were in a good mood yesterday, the weather is just as nice today, so i hope your in a good mood again. Guess what, I caught Mom again in the yard before I left for work.

ogdm said...

your entries are always entertaining. :) glad you're feeling better and happy!

Diana said...

omg mrs. ho is so hilarious!!! i'd like a croissant...