Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pregnancy Old Wives Tales

Here are a few that I found interesting and next to it is what I've experienced thus far.

-You need calcium if you crave ice cream - I crave ice cream all the time
-Cold feet indicate a boy - I always have cold feet
-A lot of heartburn means your baby will be born with a full head of hair - No heartburn yet, knock on wood
-Refusing to eat the ends on a loaf of bread means you're going to have a girl - I just devoured the ends of a loaf the other day
-The baby will be born with a hairy birthmark if you see a mouse while you're pregnant - No mice
-If you sweat a lot, it's a girl - Definite increase in the sweat
-Eating berries causes red splotches on your baby's skin - Been eating strawberries
-Craving orange juice means it's a girl - No cravings
-Dry hands means it's a boy - Supple hands
-Craving greasy foods means your labor will be short - Definitely not craving greasy
-Your baby will be cross-eyed if you wear high heels - Wore them once or twice so far


Unknown said...

I enjoyed that..... :)

Diana said...

"wore them once or twice so far" --- hahahah that cracked me up.f

also, i think know what all of your answers mean. HELLO... TWINS!!!