Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Last week, I had a really disgusting dream.  I had to go number 2 really, really bad, but someone was occupying the toilet.  I tried to hold it, but it slipped out and I caught it with my hands.  I then ran to the sink to clean up.

The next morning, I told my mother about this dream and I figured she would tell me the usual - that my dreams are ridiculous.  Instead, I was told to go buy a lotto ticket.

If you touch poop in any way in your dreams, it's good luck.  With your hands, or if you're covered in it, or even if you slip on it - it's all good things.  It doesn't even have to be your own poop.

So, I bought a Mega Millions ticket.  And I won!  I am now $7 richer!  

Dreams do come true.


Diana said...

SHUT UP!! that's amaaaaaaaazing. i will remember this the next time i dream about poop.

Unknown said...

hilarious! you didn't know shit is good luck in dreams? my mom told me that one time.