Friday, October 21, 2011


Oli and I are in Mississippi. We flew down this morning. Had to wake up at 530AM. Seemed like such an ungodly hour. Made me rethink my baby fever.

I didn't announce my trip on fb because I'm crazy. Not that I'm this important person that people would pay that much attention to. But my mind wandered... Mr. Ho is in Chicago for work and I was home alone. I didn't post because my mind wandered to what if someone breaks in and attacks us because they know we are alone and vulnerable via a fb status? Rocky is at his sitters so I didn't have our usual alarm system.

The flight was not great. It was a full flight and I was able to procure the only extra seat next to us. That was the only plus. Olivia was so restless. She was pissed from the start of her day because I had to wake her prior to her normal wake time. She just did not stay still and basically used me as a slide. Sit on my lap, slide down my body wet noodle style, repeat. I wanted a shot after that ride.

But it is great to be here. Mom had the walls lined up like Christmas.

The best part, I DON'T HAVE TO COOK FOR 10 DAYS!!!!!

1 comment:

Robin Kim said...

thats smart of you! I know someone who posted on their status that they were leaving town, sadly they got robbed. Hope you're having a good time, I love reading your blog time to time! :)