Sunday, February 6, 2011

Superbowl/Supermodel Sunday

We spent today doing Olivia's 1-year photo shoot. It was a pretty winter's day. We were supposed to do the shoot yesterday but it was very dreary and overcast. I am not happy about what I'm wearing in the pictures. The outfit I had originally planned just wasn't working. As Mr. Ho put it - it looked like a robe. But it doesn't matter. They day is about Miss Olivia. Not me!

Now I am sorta watching the game. Mostly, looking up at the television when the commercials are one. I really liked the Audi A8 commercial. Can you believe Christina messed up the national anthem? She looked ALRIGHT - I really miss her Back to Basics days. Anyway, I know she's having a hard year with the divorce and all. But man. you know she is feeling like CRAP right now.

I told Mr. Ho I wanted to see Justin Bieber's movie and he said, "of course you do." I do! I won't do it and will get it off of Netflix.

The birthday party planning is going ok. I've still got A LOT to do. Let's just say I'm pretty high off of the glue gun and my fingers are recovering from getting burned.

I am too distracted to write anything more. Looks like the Packers will win.

1 comment:

Diana said...

photoshoot was today?!?!? aaaaaaaaaaaaaah so exciting :)