Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just a Tuesday Afternoon

Lucky readers, I am posting a second entry.  The article was too long to include in the mish-mash of this awesome entry.

Last week, Mr. Ho and I got vaccinations for our upcoming trip to Hong Kong + Beijing.  Luckily, most of ours were up-to-date.  Those damn shots hurt like a b*tch.  Mr. Ho took it like a man but I took it like a wuss.  But, I did go to yoga right after, which may have not been the best idea because my arms were pretty wobbly.  I really love yoga, though.  I feel so centered and relaxed afterwards.  Also, there are the cutest old people in my class.  I especially love the old men who try really hard to get into their poses.  There is definitely a soft spot in my heart for old men, but for some reason, not old ladies.  

Update on the no-buy:  I haven't bought anything for myself.  I am not coveting anything at the moment though, so it's been easy.  As long as I can stay away from the mall or my kryptonite - Forever 21 - I think it'll be a breeze.  I haven't renewed my magazine subscriptions either, so there is even less temptation.  The only magazine that is being delivered to me is Real Simple, which I absolutely love.  Some of my dinner recipes for the week came from the magazine - spiced braised beef with sweet potatoes, halibut with sauteed radicchio.  I also made korean chicken soup yesterday and will be making spaghetti carbonara on Thursday.  Yum.  

Our weekend was pretty tame, nothing too crazy.  I finally watched Twilight and I think I laughed through most of it.  It was just so melodramatic and kind of crushed the image I had in my head.  I love the Twilight saga and just seeing these actors writhe in pain when talking about taking a walk in the woods, was just too much.  Not sure if this is old news, but the author is putting out a new version of Twilight called Midnight Sun, which is Edward's point-of-view of what happened in Twilight.  Here's a link to a partial draft if you are interested:  http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/pdf/midnightsun_partial_draft4.pdf

Oh, we also watched Role Models, which I thought was hilarious.  Kiss my anthia!

That's all for now.  


Diana said...

sighhh i still need to read and see twilight!! i love our soft spots for old men. (mine includes old women)

Unknown said...

so you're a total yogi. i tried it once w/ sean at our old gym and all i did was laugh at him but he was really concentrating so i felt stupid. will i feel relaxed and centered too? or am i not centerable nor relaxable?