1. Learn how to swim - this is a new one. I am in the market for a kind, understanding teacher.
2. Take a vitamin everyday - self-explanatory.
3. Be a better wife - I should add daughter, sister, friend.
4. Walk + brush Rocky everyday - Rocky is so good at just going out in the yard and running back, sometimes I get lazy and don't walk him. Weekends don't count because he runs around A LOT with Mr. Ho.
5. Decorate the house - I want it to be a little cozier, a little homier.
My holidays were fantastic. Most of it was spent watching Gossip Girl, seasons 1 and 2. I tried not to get hooked on this show because I knew I would love it, but I caved. And it's true. I LOVE it.
We spent New Years Eve at the new Gaylord National Harbor Hotel in DC. I had fun but it did not live up to its hype. There were just too many drunken fools and the party was too spread out. Not to mention Mr. Ho had to use a wrench to stuff me into my dress. Classy, right? In the middle of the night, I went upstairs and changed into sweats and Uggs. Some girl actually said, "She's pretty but way underdressed." Wow. Genius!
So my 27th birthday is just right around the corner. I'm feeling quite indifferent about it. I don't really want anything and I don't want to party. A nice, quiet dinner with wine over-flowing is as far as I want to go. I am aging. My forehead has major lines. So I'm trying not to move my forehead as much. I think I should switch my skincare line to something that is more focused on anti-aging. Don't forget about your neck, ladies! You don't want that turkey neck when your 45.
you know, i was JUST thinking about walking duke tomorrow, but it's supposed to be in the low 30s! no thank you!! haha.
eeeek the bday is coming up SO SOON!!! :) :) :)
ohhhh man, i ALWAYS forget the neck. thanks for the reminder.
oh, and i forgot to answer: no, i did not make any resolutions! (and thus will spare myself the disappointment of not meeting any. low bar, low bar. hehe)
i going hold you to your new years resolutions :)
so what next after gossip girl? find something i can watch to?
drunken fools wouldve been everywhere. i still have a hard time believing you needed tools for ur dress. note to mr. investor- u didnt watch gg? sean loves it! oh please ur 27- me on the other hand hittin 40. lemme tell u...i will not deny myself some botox as soon as i need it. well- restylane.
ive officially "added" your blog to mine. your comment was funny. xoxo
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