Example 1: We're at a bar and some random kid obnoxiously yells in my face, Ahn-nyung ha sae yo! Meaning hello in Korean. Yeah, he's middle eastern so I'm sure his Korean consists of this one greeting and maybe kimchee. Seriously, how do you want me to act? Super flattered that you took the time to pick-up something at the Korean BBQ restaurant? Next time, I'm going to plaster a big goofy grin on my face and curse your ass out in Korean. Joke's on you sucka!
Example 2: We are waiting in line and this frat boy shouts at my husband Konichiwa, which is hello in Japanese. I'm grimacing because this boy has no idea who he's just irritated. Mr. Ho slowly walks towards him and asks again What did you say? And frat boy nervously replies You're Japanese so I said hello. I studied abroad there. Luckily, Mr. Ho retained his cool and just walked away. If it were another day, another place, frat boy wouldn't have been so lucky. What an idiot. Mr. Ho is so not Japanese. There is no one I know who looks more Chinese than my husband. Although, I did think he was Korean when I first met him because he was always around Koreans and frequented Korean clubs. That's a different story.
Example 3: One day during recess, this kid said to me Chinese. Japanese. Dirty Knees. Look at these! I told my teacher and he got a referral and a suspension. What does that crap mean anyway?
Moral of the story, don't be an asshole.
GOOD GOD, I HATE THAT SHIT! and remember the assholes in st louis?! ugh. that is SO FUNNY about that kid and mr. ho. the kid had nooooooo idea. hahah. he sure was super lucky.
Mr. Miyaga his ass next time......
did you really have to tell your teacher?
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