However, we are going to Hong Kong/Beijing and there is no way I am not buying anything while I'm there! So, I'll just extend it till the end of September, practically October. The official rule is I am under a USA no-buy. International purchases are my only loophole.
Y - are you with me??
I will reveal why I am placing myself under these horrible conditions in about 5-7 days.
One of my current favorite songs on the radio is Ain't I remix by Yung LA and Y's man T.I. But every time I hear it, I feel conflicted because it is just so grammatically incorrect. Granted, my grammar is not perfect, but come on. Didn't these boys learn that ain't ain't a word? But I guess "aren't I" or "am I not" just don't have the same ring to it.
We watched a bunch of movies these past few days. Here is a quick rundown:
Slumdog Millionaire - Loved it!
Revolutionary Road - Hated it!
No Country for Old Men - Loved it!
Hamlet 2 - Liked it.
Penelope - Loved it!
Man. Ashley from Rock of Love Bus got kicked off. She always had the best lines. Some of her best quotes include:
I'm here for Bret. I'm not here for you. I want a cheeseburger.
People puke and they poop their pants. I'll puke on your mom. Your mom loves it.
If you wanna date a rock star, you better get used to falling off a stage, b*tch.
To all my ladies - if you are looking for a quick pick-me-up for your complexion, I have the solution for you. An aspirin mask! I just did it on Friday and LOVED it! All you need is some aspirin (you can buy this brand called BC and they sell aspirin in powder form). I only used two packets because I wanted to make sure I wasn't too sensitive to it. Add 1/2 teaspoon of water, 1 teaspoon of honey, mix it up and spread it all over your face. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and wash off. I felt like my skin had a really nice glow to it. DO IT!
And, if you need an at-home dye job, you should ask my sister-in-law. She was so damn thorough. I was totally impressed! Yes, I colored my hair from a box. We're in a recession, people!
The end. Time for bed. Goodnight, friends.
your posts are quite entertaining... my 2nd fav read after bill simmons. :) lookin' fwd to the next one! say hi to rock for me!
wow. that is intense, diana. i will help keep you no-buy, but this will be difficult!! xox.
I'll try and LOVE the new layout!
btw, I LOVED PENELOPE. sooooooooooooo cute. i could watch it over and over and over.
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