We are finally getting work on the basement done. We are repainting everything, converting Danny's old room into a playroom, installing more recessed lighting, and installing a mini bar. I will post pictures once everything is settled! In the meantime, I can't really leave the house. So far, it's ok but I know I'll be going a little stir-crazy come Thursday or so.
Our ex-roomie OGDM is in Japan right now with his company iRobot. I'm so proud of him! The devastation is enormous and every little bit we can do to help makes an impact. I hate the news these days. Japan, Libya...
Olivia is doing great! I haven't really been updating this blog because I'm always posting new pictures of her on my tumblr account. My parents also both got iPhones so they are constantly texting me for new pictures of what she's doing at the moment. It was really frustrating trying to teach them how to use the phones via Skype. But I think they have the hang of it now. Some of their messages are kind of cryptic. For instance, I got a, "How is my sweaty doing today?" I'm pretty sure he meant me, his sweetie. Or Olivia, his main squeeze?
I don't think she will be walking anytime soon. She just is not too interested in standing on her own. She can cruise and she likes to climb on stuff, but walking on her own is kind of out of the question. Mr. Ho says he likes that she is somewhat immobile because it'll get 10x harder once she's on the move. But I'm eager to see her toddle around. I think it will just be so cute! I should buy her some shoes.
Weaning is..going, I guess. I've been dropping 5 minutes from my pumping sessions every 4 days. Right now, I'm at 5 minutes in the morning, 15 minute in the evening. I have noticed a huge decrease in my supply. Luckily, Olivia is doing ok on cow's milk so I mix whatever I pump with that. You will also find cabbage leaves poking out of my shirt these days because it helps with engorgement. I can't wait till this shiznit is over with. I am definitely going to treat myself to something after it is over with. Maybe a new pair of shoes? Mommy needs a new pair of shoes!
I'm going to doze a bit until the contractor gets here. He comes later and later every morning. Sheesh.
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