Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Where a Kid Can Be a Kid

SIL bought us some tanning sessions at the local tanning salon and I went with her for the first time last week.  The last time I went tanning was for our trip to Vegas and in preparation for the Grand Cayman sun.  I think after that, I may have gone spray-tanning.  I do love a good tan but am worried about all the damage it can do to your skin.  I tried the HT High Pressure Booth and I definitely saw a change within an hour.  Supposedly, UVB rays are blocked completely so your tan will last longer.  Anyway, tanning booths have changed so much since I was a teen.  They are very high tech.  But all I could think of with every little noise were the bulbs combusting and me frying to death.  

However, I shall go again.  

Well, only because I have three weddings to be in this summer and two of the dresses wash me out a bit because I'm so pale.  Within the next nine months, I'm in four weddings.  Fun!  No seriously, I love weddings.

This past weekend was pretty fun.  Friday, we stayed in and watched Vicky Christina Barcelona, which I loved.  Penelope Cruz really deserved her Oscar with this performance.  She was passionate and embodied an emotional rollercoaster.  Not to mention, absolutely beautiful.  I always thought she wasn't that pretty, but still photographs don't do her justice.  We also watched Yes Man with Jim Carrey, which I loved, too.  Zooey Deschanel is so adorable and I loved when Jim Carrey learned Korean.  Hilarious.  

Saturday, we went to Mr. Ho's co-worker's wedding.  I totally teared up when the bride walked down the aisle with her father.  That crap gets me every time.  I broke out the YSL shoes for the first time and they were a sight to behold.  Too bad my dress was way long and you could hardly see them.  But, man, I felt them.  I have to break those suckers in.  After not wearing heels everyday, its painful when I do wear them.

Sunday, went to church and then took BFFF's son to Chuck E Cheese.  Hmm....  I haven't been to this establishment in decades and I'd have to say, if it weren't for my infinite love of the A-man, I don't think I'd ever step foot in there again.  Hot, crowded, loud, dancing mouse...  But I will go there for the pizza.  And watching Mr. Ho and SIL playing more games than the kids.  Sunday night, we watched Doubt, which was ok.

I finished Angels & Demons last night.  I bought this book at the airport on my way home from Mississippi.  For what it is, a work of fiction, I enjoyed it.  Dan Brown is great at intertwining history with modern day culture, weaving a fun thriller.  There is a lot of controversy with the church, specifically the Vatican, but that just sucks all the fun out of it.  The movie looks pretty good though.

I hope this beautiful weather holds up.  Bad weather takes a toll on my mood.  

Mr. Ho is home.  Till later, peeps.


Diana said...

dude. i freakin' love chuck e cheese!!! i would go there any day. :) i've never gone tanning, but then again, i don't have porcelain skin like you folks!! people in taiwan think i'm a peasant. hahaha.

SiL said...

I had so much fun on Sunday! Chuck e cheese rules! Which I could fit in the hamster tubing though! That gives me more motivation to lose weight than my wedding :)

Unknown said...

hahahaha! your face looked FLUSHED!