It's me, Mrs. Ho. You have provided so many blessings in my life and I am forever grateful to You. However, there is just ONE thing that burdens me. Something I ask myself every single day.
Why, oh why, are my feet so small?
My feet are just not proportionate to the rest of my body. Well, I guess they balance out my miniscule hands. But it's not like I'm on the short side. And I'm petite but not anorexic. So what's the deal? The only rational explanation could be is that You know I have a tendency to covet. Shoes like this:
Maybe You can throw me a bone when I get pregnant and make my feet grow. Just a size. Even a size 5 would be fantastic! A size 4 is just hard. I only get options like this:
Not that I'm not thankful for options, but really... REALLY? That's all I get?
In the end, I know why You made my feet as small as You did. To save me money. You're just looking out for my best interest, like always and I thank You. I would be in debt if I could fit into $900 shoes. Mr. Ho thanks you for that, too.
Oh, before I end this prayer, just wanted to give You props for giving us a President with such swagger. You did good.
Don't think I would neglect my FIVE FUN FACTS because I had to have a delicate conversation with God. By the way, I was thinking that if I ever win an Oscar, Emmy, Grammy, or Community Service award, I would definitely give a shout-out to God first. Wouldn't you?
1. My brother and I used to cut holes into our pajamas so we would get new ones.
2. I was hospitalized for a kidney infection when I was in second grade and all I craved was a Filet-O-Fish.
3. For my first trip to the optometrist, I knew I wanted glasses just like my Daddy. So I lied during my eye doctor test. Boy, that was a mistake. I'd be on the second floor of my house, look out the window, and the grass was literally 2 feet away - magnified like crazy. Oops.
4. My parents brought home a new van. It was red. I hated it, threw a fit, and they took it back and brought home a gold one. Spoiled, much?
5. Another story of my youth. One time I found these bumps on the back of my tongue. My mom took me to the doctor. Diagnosis? Taste buds.
HAHAHA! I'm so ecstatic you're keeping this. You know it's not like CLs doesn'y make your size...only select styles. Remember those purple ones? mucho love, young
i love your tiny feet. they make me smile.
and i'm so glad you decided to post recipes!! will definitely be using them. :)
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