Hi family and friends!
Tis Christmas Eve! Hope you all had a great day.
Today was a day of laundry, cooking, visits from my brother and future SIL, wrapping presents, preparing the unwrapped gifts - like her now fully stocked kitchen.
Mr. Ho is slow bbq-ing pork shoulders for tomorrows dinner at the in-laws. Going to take all night but will be so yummy.
I remember when young, but old enough to know Santa did not exist, I prayed that maybe he did exist because I wanted a lot of presents! I've always wanted one of those crazy Christmas mornings where the entire room is practically filled with presents for everyone and waffles and other goodies flow from the kitchen. Gotta make this happen for Olivia.
But it's not all about the gifts! Being with loved ones and remembering Baby Jesus - MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!