One of my favorite feelings in the world - crossing off everything off of my to-do list and my honey-do list! We got a lot accomplished this weekend. Here's a rundown:
-Doing laundry and cleaning the house
-Calling invites for Olivia's dol (those who don't have email)
-Returning things at the mall and buying some things for Olivia's photoshoot
-Stopping by the dduk store to inquire about the dol cake
-Grocery shopping
-Making another batch of food for Olivia's. She's venturing into cheeses and spinach this week
-Ordering the wet bar items for the basement
And my most favorite item of all - going to Best Buy to buy a new DISHWASHER!!!! WOOOOOTTTTT!!!! This baby is all stainless steel - inside and out. The best feature is that it has a "sanitize" feature so I can just throw everything of Olivia's in there instead of handwashing. Anything that saves me time and my poor chapped hands is a God-send!
Miss Olivia is doing well! She is babbling so much more. Everything is "ma" or "umma." I swear she also says, "done" and "bbul" which is light in korean. I think she also says "mung mung" which is puppy in korean. She is getting good at waving goodbye, pointing. She loves to run around the island in her walker. She's getting pretty good at going up the stairs but she's not standing on her own or walking though. Everyone always asks me that. It's funny - some strangers she really loves and others she really detests. For instance, she didn't really warm up to Mr. Ho's cousin, Andy, all that much. But she fell in LURVE with the owner of the hanbok store and the waitresses at the sushi restaurant. Hmm... I think she likes old asian people. Lol. She will have serious staredowns with asian men. We were waiting in line at H&M and there was a korean man behind us and she would not stop staring. Maybe it reminds her of her daddy. Who knows. She's a funny girl.
Oh, I bought Olivia a new hanbok. I don't know when I'll get the other one so I hope the lady will issue me a refund *crossing fingers*
Going to be early tonight because I have to stay up a bit late tomorrow. Toodles!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Me, Myself and I
Random thought - would you be friends with yourself?
If there was a duplicate of you, do you think you could stand yourself? Sometimes, when no one understands me, I wish I could duplicate myself and we (I?) could be BFFs. I think the two of us would be very happy together. But I will admit, I am a judgey person. So, would I be all judgey with myself?
I am so tired. I've been staying up super late trying to do stuff for Olivia's dol and I ran around for 4 hours in the frigid weather running errands today for the dol as well. I'm going to bed.
If there was a duplicate of you, do you think you could stand yourself? Sometimes, when no one understands me, I wish I could duplicate myself and we (I?) could be BFFs. I think the two of us would be very happy together. But I will admit, I am a judgey person. So, would I be all judgey with myself?
I am so tired. I've been staying up super late trying to do stuff for Olivia's dol and I ran around for 4 hours in the frigid weather running errands today for the dol as well. I'm going to bed.
Inception Conception
20-some odd years ago, my brother and I were outside playing with our neighbor. Randomly, I said. "What if we are just living a dream. When we go to sleep and dream, we are dreaming a dream. And then one day we'll just wake up."
They both stared at me like I was crazy.
But did I create the movie, "Inception" by putting it out in the universe like that??
Royalties, please.
They both stared at me like I was crazy.
But did I create the movie, "Inception" by putting it out in the universe like that??
Royalties, please.
Taking Bets
Many times, when we have a special occasion, there's some freak weather.
Bridal Shower -I believe thunderstorms.
Wedding - FREAK heat and crazy storms.
Baby Shower - Freak snow.
Olivia's 100th Day - Storms
I know I'm forgetting something...
So, for Olivia's Dol, I'm wondering what Mother Nature has in store for us. Probably snow :(
Bridal Shower -I believe thunderstorms.
Wedding - FREAK heat and crazy storms.
Baby Shower - Freak snow.
Olivia's 100th Day - Storms
I know I'm forgetting something...
So, for Olivia's Dol, I'm wondering what Mother Nature has in store for us. Probably snow :(
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
All in the Family
My brother is engaged! He was supposed to do it on Thursday but was too excited after he picked up the ring yesterday. I am very happy for him and my new SIL! He may be an almost married man, but to me, he's still a little kid. If I feel this way about my brother, how will I feel when Olivia grows up? Ugh. I don't even want to think about it.
Right now I am sitting at my desk. I just backed-up my computer because I have to take my Mac to the doctor (Genius Bar) tomorrow. I blew a speaker! I was listening to music while cleaning and I guess I was jammin too hard. O well. I also have a rice sock tucked in my left armpit. I have a clogged duct and it's killing me. My left arm/shoulder/boob is just wack in general. Not only does it have the clogged duct, but it produces less milk. And my shoulder kills from holding Olivia.
One of these days, I'm going to recount my entire birth story. And after that, I'll try not to talk about my boobs anymore.
I am feeling a bit uneasy these days. Not only do the dead birds, fish, seals freak me out, but have you heard about this superstorm that's supposed to hit California? I don't want to believe it, but still... Pretty scary.
One of my good friends had an interesting theory. She said the aliens are coming in 2013. The aliens use the birds' bodies to spy on humans and since they are done with their spying, they disposed of the bodies. Hence, dead birds.
Also, apparently, you aren't supposed to use two spaces after a period.
Thanks, DHuang. Life as I know it, is over.
Right now I am sitting at my desk. I just backed-up my computer because I have to take my Mac to the doctor (Genius Bar) tomorrow. I blew a speaker! I was listening to music while cleaning and I guess I was jammin too hard. O well. I also have a rice sock tucked in my left armpit. I have a clogged duct and it's killing me. My left arm/shoulder/boob is just wack in general. Not only does it have the clogged duct, but it produces less milk. And my shoulder kills from holding Olivia.
One of these days, I'm going to recount my entire birth story. And after that, I'll try not to talk about my boobs anymore.
I am feeling a bit uneasy these days. Not only do the dead birds, fish, seals freak me out, but have you heard about this superstorm that's supposed to hit California? I don't want to believe it, but still... Pretty scary.
One of my good friends had an interesting theory. She said the aliens are coming in 2013. The aliens use the birds' bodies to spy on humans and since they are done with their spying, they disposed of the bodies. Hence, dead birds.
Also, apparently, you aren't supposed to use two spaces after a period.
Thanks, DHuang. Life as I know it, is over.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Sheryl Murakami Presents "Peacock"
I love this video for so many reasons.
1. Surprisingly, I like this Katy Perry song. Probably because it's not on the radio 1000 times a day.
2. Love the choreography! it is PERFECT with the words.
3. Love all the innuendos.
4. Love the boy dancers in their long johns. WERK!
5. Asian dancer! Damn, she can MOVE. Why oh why was I not given the gift of sexy dance?
But you know what I don't like? Her mole.
1. Surprisingly, I like this Katy Perry song. Probably because it's not on the radio 1000 times a day.
2. Love the choreography! it is PERFECT with the words.
3. Love all the innuendos.
4. Love the boy dancers in their long johns. WERK!
5. Asian dancer! Damn, she can MOVE. Why oh why was I not given the gift of sexy dance?
But you know what I don't like? Her mole.
Money, Honey
They say 50% of marriages end in divorce. And the most popular reason is due to money. Before I got married, I thought that was crazy! Why would anyone fight over money? Once you get married, everything is equal. Everything is split down the middle. There is no "mine." Only "ours."
Oh, how young and stupid I was!
Mr. Ho and I rarely argue. When we do, it's usually over the same things:
1. Me nagging him to do stuff around the house
2. Money
The first is pretty obvious. I like the house a certain way. I like things to be put away and not just hidden behind closet doors or drawers. I like things neat, tidy, organized. My friends in high school used to call my mom the Vacuum Lady. I have adopted that moniker and I own it. While I don't vacuum anymore (Mr. Ho does it), I still want it to be done often. We have a shedding monster for a dog and now a little one who is rolling all around it *dies*. I think the man should do the vacuuming, taking out the trash/recycling, and the landscaping. And any other unpleasantries like unclogging the toilet.
I don't have a 9-5 so I do not experience the awful commutes or the terrible bosses. But I've had a job since I was 13-27. I know what it's like to work. And guess what? I now work A LOT more than I used to. I don't have the luxury of a lunch break or talking to my co-workers about nonsense. Not only do I wake up earlier than I used to, I go to bed later. I am on my feet all day long. I am feeding, cleaning, entertaining, and soothing a baby. And on top of that, cooking her meals and our dinner. I also clean the house, run errands, and make sure this house is under control. I know, it sounds fluffy and it sounds easy. But it's not. It's NEVER ENDING. There is always SOMETHING to do. Something that could be washed, polished, folded, put away, scrubbed. When I'm doing dishes, I'm thinking about the bottles I have to clean next. After bottles, it's the kitchen that needs to be tided. After the kitchen, it's the floor that needs swiffering. After the floor, it's the playmat that needs wiping. After the playmat, it's sorting the laundry. Get it? Yeah, I know I'm technically resting by blogging right now, but that's besides the point.
That's why I have to give it up to all the ladies who have a job AND have children. STADIUM STATUS!!!
I'm blessed. Blessed to have a husband who makes a living good enough so I can stay home and raise my child. So as much complaining as I do, I have to remind myself that my situation is a gift. But that doesn't mean I don't want some credit, too!
Which leads me to the next point: MONEY.
Money really is evil. It really is power.
It really is a lot easier to spend money when you're not the one earning it. You don't have the same instinct to guard it because you didn't bust your balls for it. I respect and love my husband for working hard to bring the dough. But sometimes I think because he works for it, it wields a certain level of power. He says I am imagining things and I can spend it in any way I want. And I know I have that choice, but seriously? Could I really just go and buy all the shoes, bags, clothes, jewelry that I want? NO. I don't call Mr. Ho everytime I swipe that debit card. But I still feel the need to discuss or tell him if I'm going to purchase something that is specifically for my enjoyment. I guess in the end, I just have this nagging sense of guilt.
We've come to a temporary solution. We have opened a separate bank account just for me. We discuss what expenses I will incur over the month and we transfer the appropriate funds. This way, I will take note of what and when I spend. And if I do want to make a big purchase, then I can save for it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Call it what it is. It's basically an allowance. But for some reason, this "allowance" makes me feel a lot better.
Let's face it. As much as society has advanced, men and women are still not 100% equal. There are still certain stigmas and prejudices we have to overcome. So if I had to give advice to my single ladies and my daughter, it would be to save your money. When you get married, keep an account (however small) for yourself. As long as you are open and honest about it being there, there shouldn't be a problem. It's just nice to not only have something for yourself, but to have the peace of mind of knowing that you hold a bit of financial power as well.
Don't get me wrong. I'm confident in my marriage and my husband. This is just something that I sometimes think of when I know I'm going to be spending a lot of money. HAHA!
Oh, how young and stupid I was!
Mr. Ho and I rarely argue. When we do, it's usually over the same things:
1. Me nagging him to do stuff around the house
2. Money
The first is pretty obvious. I like the house a certain way. I like things to be put away and not just hidden behind closet doors or drawers. I like things neat, tidy, organized. My friends in high school used to call my mom the Vacuum Lady. I have adopted that moniker and I own it. While I don't vacuum anymore (Mr. Ho does it), I still want it to be done often. We have a shedding monster for a dog and now a little one who is rolling all around it *dies*. I think the man should do the vacuuming, taking out the trash/recycling, and the landscaping. And any other unpleasantries like unclogging the toilet.
I don't have a 9-5 so I do not experience the awful commutes or the terrible bosses. But I've had a job since I was 13-27. I know what it's like to work. And guess what? I now work A LOT more than I used to. I don't have the luxury of a lunch break or talking to my co-workers about nonsense. Not only do I wake up earlier than I used to, I go to bed later. I am on my feet all day long. I am feeding, cleaning, entertaining, and soothing a baby. And on top of that, cooking her meals and our dinner. I also clean the house, run errands, and make sure this house is under control. I know, it sounds fluffy and it sounds easy. But it's not. It's NEVER ENDING. There is always SOMETHING to do. Something that could be washed, polished, folded, put away, scrubbed. When I'm doing dishes, I'm thinking about the bottles I have to clean next. After bottles, it's the kitchen that needs to be tided. After the kitchen, it's the floor that needs swiffering. After the floor, it's the playmat that needs wiping. After the playmat, it's sorting the laundry. Get it? Yeah, I know I'm technically resting by blogging right now, but that's besides the point.
That's why I have to give it up to all the ladies who have a job AND have children. STADIUM STATUS!!!
I'm blessed. Blessed to have a husband who makes a living good enough so I can stay home and raise my child. So as much complaining as I do, I have to remind myself that my situation is a gift. But that doesn't mean I don't want some credit, too!
Which leads me to the next point: MONEY.
Money really is evil. It really is power.
It really is a lot easier to spend money when you're not the one earning it. You don't have the same instinct to guard it because you didn't bust your balls for it. I respect and love my husband for working hard to bring the dough. But sometimes I think because he works for it, it wields a certain level of power. He says I am imagining things and I can spend it in any way I want. And I know I have that choice, but seriously? Could I really just go and buy all the shoes, bags, clothes, jewelry that I want? NO. I don't call Mr. Ho everytime I swipe that debit card. But I still feel the need to discuss or tell him if I'm going to purchase something that is specifically for my enjoyment. I guess in the end, I just have this nagging sense of guilt.
We've come to a temporary solution. We have opened a separate bank account just for me. We discuss what expenses I will incur over the month and we transfer the appropriate funds. This way, I will take note of what and when I spend. And if I do want to make a big purchase, then I can save for it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Call it what it is. It's basically an allowance. But for some reason, this "allowance" makes me feel a lot better.
Let's face it. As much as society has advanced, men and women are still not 100% equal. There are still certain stigmas and prejudices we have to overcome. So if I had to give advice to my single ladies and my daughter, it would be to save your money. When you get married, keep an account (however small) for yourself. As long as you are open and honest about it being there, there shouldn't be a problem. It's just nice to not only have something for yourself, but to have the peace of mind of knowing that you hold a bit of financial power as well.
Don't get me wrong. I'm confident in my marriage and my husband. This is just something that I sometimes think of when I know I'm going to be spending a lot of money. HAHA!
Monday, January 10, 2011
New Year, Old Me
So far, 2011 has been pretty good! Mr. Ho and I rang in the new year at Rays the Steaks with SIL, BIL, BFFF, SeanJon, Fahd, and Fernanda. Great company and delicious food - it was a wonderful start to the new year.
Do you believe that 2012 will be the end of the world? That would mean that this would be the last year of our lives. I don't believe it. I'm pretty sure the Bible says that God is not going to end the world when everyone expects it. But even if it were true, it makes you want to live every single day passionately. My generic resolution is to savor. Savor every bite, every hug, every laugh, every deep and/or mindless conversation, every kiss, every snuggle. Hm. I guess it's pointless to learn how to swim and I'll just wait till 2013 to do that.
Mr. Ho surprised me with dinner reservations at Volt in Frederick for my birthday! I've been wanting to go ever since Top Chef and the Voltaggio Brothers took over. Table 21 was booked for the entire year but we were able to sit at the Chef's Table, which was just as good as Table 21. We had a 7 course dinner (see picture) and it was probably one of the Top 10 meals of my life! It was absolutely divine. I never knew beets could taste that good. Actually, every single dish was to die for. OMG I'm so hungry all over again. And you know I was looking for Bryan the entire time and definitely asked the waiter to get me a picture with him!
I'm 29 now. Last year of my 20's. I don't know whether I'm supposed to be thrilled to still be in my 20's or to be sad about this slow, painful encroachment towards middle age. Ugh.
Very distracted right now. Trying to pump, watch Desperate Housewives online, blog, and respond to FB messages.
Just got done cleaning bottles. Now eating birthday cake. While I was scrubbing away, I thought of a few more things I wanted to jot down.
Here's a weird marriage moment. One night Mr. Ho was fast asleep and I was still awake and googling random things on my iPhone trying to pass time till I felt sleepy. I googled "2012 theories." Scared myself and went to sleep. The next morning, I went to see what was on our DVR and lo and behold, Mr. Ho had DVR'd Nostradamus: 2012 stuff off the History Channel! Weird. Also, apparently, I snore.
I think pregnancy did something strange to my bangs. They used to swoosh better. I think it's the post-partem hair loss that has now resulted on less bang swoopage.
What I got for my birthday (I know you want to know): knotted black circle scarf from Australia and gift card from SIL, lycee (spelling?) from in-laws, spa gift card from BFFF, gorgeous flowers from DHuang, Shark vacuum and steamer from my parents (soon to be purchased), and a gift certificate from my brother. I have to note that my brother, who now lives in Tysons, drove out to Fairfax in rush hour to bring me a card/gift and to wish me a happy birthday. You have no idea - this was a HUGE gesture from my little brother. It really made my day!!!
And yes, Shark vacuum and steamer. My parents asked me what I wanted and they said, "shoes?" And I said, "No. Steamer." I'M THRILLED!! I'm also going to purchase one of those vacuum sealer thingys??
Poor Mr. Ho. He has Christmas, my birthday, Valentine's Day, and Olivia's birthday one right after the other. I forgot to mention that as an early gift, I received the new MacBook Air (LOVEEE). We are working on something with the jeweler. It's nothing too big but very sentimental. I can't wait.
I think that's all for now. Hope my birthday was a great day for all!
Do you believe that 2012 will be the end of the world? That would mean that this would be the last year of our lives. I don't believe it. I'm pretty sure the Bible says that God is not going to end the world when everyone expects it. But even if it were true, it makes you want to live every single day passionately. My generic resolution is to savor. Savor every bite, every hug, every laugh, every deep and/or mindless conversation, every kiss, every snuggle. Hm. I guess it's pointless to learn how to swim and I'll just wait till 2013 to do that.
I'm 29 now. Last year of my 20's. I don't know whether I'm supposed to be thrilled to still be in my 20's or to be sad about this slow, painful encroachment towards middle age. Ugh.
Very distracted right now. Trying to pump, watch Desperate Housewives online, blog, and respond to FB messages.
Just got done cleaning bottles. Now eating birthday cake. While I was scrubbing away, I thought of a few more things I wanted to jot down.
Here's a weird marriage moment. One night Mr. Ho was fast asleep and I was still awake and googling random things on my iPhone trying to pass time till I felt sleepy. I googled "2012 theories." Scared myself and went to sleep. The next morning, I went to see what was on our DVR and lo and behold, Mr. Ho had DVR'd Nostradamus: 2012 stuff off the History Channel! Weird. Also, apparently, I snore.
I think pregnancy did something strange to my bangs. They used to swoosh better. I think it's the post-partem hair loss that has now resulted on less bang swoopage.
What I got for my birthday (I know you want to know): knotted black circle scarf from Australia and gift card from SIL, lycee (spelling?) from in-laws, spa gift card from BFFF, gorgeous flowers from DHuang, Shark vacuum and steamer from my parents (soon to be purchased), and a gift certificate from my brother. I have to note that my brother, who now lives in Tysons, drove out to Fairfax in rush hour to bring me a card/gift and to wish me a happy birthday. You have no idea - this was a HUGE gesture from my little brother. It really made my day!!!
And yes, Shark vacuum and steamer. My parents asked me what I wanted and they said, "shoes?" And I said, "No. Steamer." I'M THRILLED!! I'm also going to purchase one of those vacuum sealer thingys??
Poor Mr. Ho. He has Christmas, my birthday, Valentine's Day, and Olivia's birthday one right after the other. I forgot to mention that as an early gift, I received the new MacBook Air (LOVEEE). We are working on something with the jeweler. It's nothing too big but very sentimental. I can't wait.
I think that's all for now. Hope my birthday was a great day for all!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Project Panic
What the HECK have I been doing??!!!
Olivia's dol is coming up way too quickly. I am having a mild panic attack. I came up with a quick checklist tonight and that list is a bit overwhelming now. I'm debating whether I should blog about the planning or just shock and awe you on that day.
Maybe I am going a bit overboard with this but it's her DOL! And it's her GOLDEN birthday! And that only comes ONCE in your life. Oh my sweet little baby. I wonder if I'm going to cry during this occasion. I already get teary-eyed when I look at her newborn pictures...
Or maybe I should take Mr. Ho's advice and just relax and keep it simple. She is only one year old, for goodness sake... We'll see how much I can get done between now and the party.
I'm feeling much better, btw. I went to the doctor and he prescribed me some meds. The aches went away but the meds made me really nauseous and gave me a horrible headache. Luckily, that cleared up today. I was able to go get my hair done with Leah. I haven't seen her in over a year. I missed her! She is the only one I trust with this head. I hope she never leaves this area.
My doll of a husband has done the morning shift the past three days and that has helped me so much. I haven't gotten this much sleep since pre-baby! 1030-7/8ish. I don't know if it's the meds or what but I have dreamt about the Kardashians the past two nights. I hope I do it again tonight. Fun dreams.
Did I mention Olivia has 3 teeth coming in? It is just the cutest thing. She is trying to master pulling herself up and such. I think she could do all these things a lot quicker but we seem to hold her a lot. And so do her grandparents. She needs more floor time - note to self.
I know, I talk about Olivia A LOT. But she is my entire world right now. These are the projects that will be overtaking my life/blog for awhile:
Ok, just two projects but BIG ones.
Olivia's dol is coming up way too quickly. I am having a mild panic attack. I came up with a quick checklist tonight and that list is a bit overwhelming now. I'm debating whether I should blog about the planning or just shock and awe you on that day.
Maybe I am going a bit overboard with this but it's her DOL! And it's her GOLDEN birthday! And that only comes ONCE in your life. Oh my sweet little baby. I wonder if I'm going to cry during this occasion. I already get teary-eyed when I look at her newborn pictures...
Or maybe I should take Mr. Ho's advice and just relax and keep it simple. She is only one year old, for goodness sake... We'll see how much I can get done between now and the party.
I'm feeling much better, btw. I went to the doctor and he prescribed me some meds. The aches went away but the meds made me really nauseous and gave me a horrible headache. Luckily, that cleared up today. I was able to go get my hair done with Leah. I haven't seen her in over a year. I missed her! She is the only one I trust with this head. I hope she never leaves this area.
My doll of a husband has done the morning shift the past three days and that has helped me so much. I haven't gotten this much sleep since pre-baby! 1030-7/8ish. I don't know if it's the meds or what but I have dreamt about the Kardashians the past two nights. I hope I do it again tonight. Fun dreams.
Did I mention Olivia has 3 teeth coming in? It is just the cutest thing. She is trying to master pulling herself up and such. I think she could do all these things a lot quicker but we seem to hold her a lot. And so do her grandparents. She needs more floor time - note to self.
I know, I talk about Olivia A LOT. But she is my entire world right now. These are the projects that will be overtaking my life/blog for awhile:
Ok, just two projects but BIG ones.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
I'm ssiiiiiccckkkkk.
I have mastitis, which is a breast infection, and it effing sucks. Thank God for my wonderful husband who took care of Olivia the entire day while I fought chills, fever, major body aches, and o-so painful boobs. I cannot wait till my boobs return to being just that - boobs! And nothing more!
I have mastitis, which is a breast infection, and it effing sucks. Thank God for my wonderful husband who took care of Olivia the entire day while I fought chills, fever, major body aches, and o-so painful boobs. I cannot wait till my boobs return to being just that - boobs! And nothing more!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Are you ready for kids?
Got this off a baby forum. Pretty funny! And, unfortunately, accurate!
Lesson 1
1. Go to the grocery store.
2. Arrange to have your salary paid directly to their head office.
3. Go home.
4. Pick up the paper.
5. Read it for the last time.
Lesson 2
Before you finally go ahead and have children, find a couple who already are parents and berate them about their...
1. Methods of discipline.
2. Lack of patience.
3. Appallingly low tolerance levels.
4. Allowing their children to run wild.
5. Suggest ways in which they might improve their child's breastfeeding, sleep habits, toilet training, table manners, and overall behavior.
Enjoy it because it will be the last time in your life you will have all the answers.
Lesson 3
A really good way to discover how the nights might feel...
1. Get home from work and immediately begin walking around the living room from 5PM to 10PM carrying a wet bag weighing approximately 8-12 pounds, with a radio turned to static (or some other obnoxious sound) playing loudly. (Eat cold food with one hand for dinner)
2. At 10PM, put the bag gently down, set the alarm for midnight, and go to sleep.
3. Get up at 12 and walk around the living room again, with the bag, until 1AM.
4. Set the alarm for 3AM.
5. As you can't get back to sleep, get up at 2AM and make a drink and watch an infomercial.
6. Go to bed at 2:45AM.
7. Get up at 3AM when the alarm goes off.
8. Sing songs quietly in the dark until 4AM.
9. Get up. Make breakfast. Get ready for work and go to work (work hard and be productive)
Repeat steps 1-9 each night. Keep this up for 3-5 years. Look cheerful and together.
Lesson 4
Can you stand the mess children make? T o find out...
1. Smear peanut butter onto the sofa and jam onto the curtains.
2. Hide a piece of raw chicken behind the stereo and leave it there all summer.
3. Stick your fingers in the flower bed.
4. Then rub them on the clean walls.
5. Take your favorite book, photo album, etc. Wreck it.
6. Spill milk on your new pillows. Cover the stains with crayons. How does that look?
Lesson 5
Dressing small children is not as easy as it seems.
1. Buy an octopus and a small bag made out of loose mesh.
2. Attempt to put the octopus into the bag so that none of the arms hang out.
Time allowed for this - all morning.
Lesson 6
Forget the BMW and buy a mini-van. And don't think that you can leave it out in the driveway spotless and shining. Family cars don't look like that.
1. Buy a chocolate ice cream cone and put it in the glove compartment.
Leave it there.
2. Get a dime. Stick it in the CD player.
3. Take a family size package of chocolate cookies. Mash them into the back seat. Sprinkle cheerios all over the floor, then smash them with your foot.
4. Run a garden rake along both sides of the car.
Lesson 7
Go to the local grocery store. Take with you the closest thing you can find to a pre-school child. (A full-grown goat is an excellent choice). If you intend to have more than one child, then definitely take more than one goat. Buy your week's groceries without letting the goats out of your sight. Pay for everything the goat eats or destroys. Until you can easily accomplish this, do not even contemplate having children.
Lesson 8
1. Hollow out a melon.
2. Make a small hole in the side.
3. Suspend it from the ceiling and swing it from side to side.
4. Now get a bowl of soggy Cheerios and attempt to spoon them into the swaying melon by pretending to be an airplane.
5. Continue until half the Cheerios are gone.
6. Tip half into your lap. The other half, just throw up in the air.
You are now ready to feed a nine- month-old baby.
Lesson 9
Learn the names of every character from Sesame Street , Barney, Disney, the Teletubbies, and Pokemon. Watch nothing else on TV but PBS, the Disney channel or Noggin for at least five years. (I know, you're thinking What's 'Noggin'?) Exactly the point.
Lesson 10
Make a recording of Fran Drescher saying 'mommy' repeatedly. (Important: no more than a four second delay between each 'mommy'; occasional crescendo to the level of a supersonic jet is required). Play this tape in your car everywhere you go for the next four years. You are now ready to take a long trip with a toddler.
Lesson 11
Start talking to an adult of your choice. Have someone else continually tug on your skirt hem, shirt- sleeve, or elbow while playing the 'mommy' tape made from Lesson 10 above. You are now ready to have a conversation with an adult while there is a child in the room.
Lesson 1
1. Go to the grocery store.
2. Arrange to have your salary paid directly to their head office.
3. Go home.
4. Pick up the paper.
5. Read it for the last time.
Lesson 2
Before you finally go ahead and have children, find a couple who already are parents and berate them about their...
1. Methods of discipline.
2. Lack of patience.
3. Appallingly low tolerance levels.
4. Allowing their children to run wild.
5. Suggest ways in which they might improve their child's breastfeeding, sleep habits, toilet training, table manners, and overall behavior.
Enjoy it because it will be the last time in your life you will have all the answers.
Lesson 3
A really good way to discover how the nights might feel...
1. Get home from work and immediately begin walking around the living room from 5PM to 10PM carrying a wet bag weighing approximately 8-12 pounds, with a radio turned to static (or some other obnoxious sound) playing loudly. (Eat cold food with one hand for dinner)
2. At 10PM, put the bag gently down, set the alarm for midnight, and go to sleep.
3. Get up at 12 and walk around the living room again, with the bag, until 1AM.
4. Set the alarm for 3AM.
5. As you can't get back to sleep, get up at 2AM and make a drink and watch an infomercial.
6. Go to bed at 2:45AM.
7. Get up at 3AM when the alarm goes off.
8. Sing songs quietly in the dark until 4AM.
9. Get up. Make breakfast. Get ready for work and go to work (work hard and be productive)
Repeat steps 1-9 each night. Keep this up for 3-5 years. Look cheerful and together.
Lesson 4
Can you stand the mess children make? T o find out...
1. Smear peanut butter onto the sofa and jam onto the curtains.
2. Hide a piece of raw chicken behind the stereo and leave it there all summer.
3. Stick your fingers in the flower bed.
4. Then rub them on the clean walls.
5. Take your favorite book, photo album, etc. Wreck it.
6. Spill milk on your new pillows. Cover the stains with crayons. How does that look?
Lesson 5
Dressing small children is not as easy as it seems.
1. Buy an octopus and a small bag made out of loose mesh.
2. Attempt to put the octopus into the bag so that none of the arms hang out.
Time allowed for this - all morning.
Lesson 6
Forget the BMW and buy a mini-van. And don't think that you can leave it out in the driveway spotless and shining. Family cars don't look like that.
1. Buy a chocolate ice cream cone and put it in the glove compartment.
Leave it there.
2. Get a dime. Stick it in the CD player.
3. Take a family size package of chocolate cookies. Mash them into the back seat. Sprinkle cheerios all over the floor, then smash them with your foot.
4. Run a garden rake along both sides of the car.
Lesson 7
Go to the local grocery store. Take with you the closest thing you can find to a pre-school child. (A full-grown goat is an excellent choice). If you intend to have more than one child, then definitely take more than one goat. Buy your week's groceries without letting the goats out of your sight. Pay for everything the goat eats or destroys. Until you can easily accomplish this, do not even contemplate having children.
Lesson 8
1. Hollow out a melon.
2. Make a small hole in the side.
3. Suspend it from the ceiling and swing it from side to side.
4. Now get a bowl of soggy Cheerios and attempt to spoon them into the swaying melon by pretending to be an airplane.
5. Continue until half the Cheerios are gone.
6. Tip half into your lap. The other half, just throw up in the air.
You are now ready to feed a nine- month-old baby.
Lesson 9
Learn the names of every character from Sesame Street , Barney, Disney, the Teletubbies, and Pokemon. Watch nothing else on TV but PBS, the Disney channel or Noggin for at least five years. (I know, you're thinking What's 'Noggin'?) Exactly the point.
Lesson 10
Make a recording of Fran Drescher saying 'mommy' repeatedly. (Important: no more than a four second delay between each 'mommy'; occasional crescendo to the level of a supersonic jet is required). Play this tape in your car everywhere you go for the next four years. You are now ready to take a long trip with a toddler.
Lesson 11
Start talking to an adult of your choice. Have someone else continually tug on your skirt hem, shirt- sleeve, or elbow while playing the 'mommy' tape made from Lesson 10 above. You are now ready to have a conversation with an adult while there is a child in the room.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
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