When I can't sleep, my mind wanders to strange places. I think about what I would do if I won the lotto. Or how I would do things differently in my past. Lately, I think about what I would do if an intruder came into our home or if our house was about to blow to bits/War of the Worlds type situation and I only had 10 minutes to get stuff together.
Scenario 1: Intruder
If we were all sleeping, we would be aware of the intruder because Rocky would start barking. I would wake Mr. Ho, grab my cell phone, and run into Olivia's room. We would then lock the door, push the dresser and whatever else furniture in front of the door and call 911. We would all hide in her bathroom and lock the door. Fortunately, we have a police station down the street so here's hoping they respond quickly!
I have no scenario for what a day break-in. Since it would be just Olivia and I, we would either run out the door, if possible, and scream bloody murder. Or lock ourselves in some room.
Scenario 2: 10 Minutes to Escape the House
This scenario makes me antsier than the Intruder scenario. Just 10 minutes to grab stuff? Mr. Ho would put Olivia and the dog in the car. I would grab trashbags and grab our wallets, other documents, laptops. Then I would grab diapers, all the breastmilk, my damn pump, and just everything I could grab in Olivia's room. If I had a few more minutes, I would grab jewelry, contacts, and whatever else I could grab from our closets. Oh, and some dog food. Should I bring detergent? Soap? Batteries? Flashlight? No time!
I'm getting myself all worked up now and will probably have a hard time falling asleep. I feel like I'm missing something in the Escape the House plan!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Christmas Wrap-Up
I hope all of you had a lovely Christmas. Didn't it go by so fast?? So much anticipation for what felt like such a short day.
Here's what went down with the Ho Fam.
Christmas Eve:
My brother picked up my father from BWI and we met them at the jja-jjang-myun place in Annandale. It's the first place my dad hits everytime he lands in Virginia. Afterwards, MIL, FIL, SIL, and BIL came by the house. Yes, that's right! My lovely SIL and BIL are here!!! Olivia had a TERRIBLE night of sleeping. I had to sleep on the recliner as she rolled all over me.
Like a zombie, I passed Olivia to Mr. Ho early Christmas morning. He wished me a merry Christmas and I told him, "Bah Humbug!" After I regained consciousness, I made some waffles and we unwrapped gifts with warp speed. I received a beautiful gray circle scarf and some Jeffery Campbell boots from Mr. Ho. These boots are very different from what I normally wear - a little butch but I like them. Very comfortable and warm! There is one more item that is "in the works," but I'll believe it when I see it and blog all about it! I bought Mr. Ho white Air Force Ones, Bvlgari cologne and aftershave, and a battery-operated pepper grinder the replace the one he broke earlier this month. Olivia received the most gifts of all! Her absolute favorite was a personalized bowl from BFFF.
Mr. Ho was pretty tired so he stayed home while the rest of us ventured to my grandparent's home in Bethesda. My brother met us there. Grandma made some yummy food but it was seriously like 100 degrees in there. Olivia basically took a sweat bath so we didn't stay long. I had to get her home in time for a nap before the Christmas party at Mil and FIl's house, which was a great time. Lots of family, food, and festivities! It was really nice to see how the family is growing - first Olivia and now baby Azuza (my fond nickname for baby Woo).
Post Christmas Day:
We tried to hit the sale at Sak's but it was slim pickins. My parents ran errands during Olivia's 2nd nap and then we went to Korshi buffet in Centreville. It was ok. My dad had a good time though because Mr. Ho gave him a glass of scotch and was pretty drunk LOL. Mr. Ho went to bed early while my parents and I watched tv. I, actually, went into my facebook and blocked a whole bunch of people from viewing my profile and photos. I still need to go through my friends list and finish doing this.
My parents left super early. I was hoping the blizzard would hit us full force and they would stay another day. But I guess all we got was major wind action, no snow. Olivia and I met up with the cousins for lunch at Sakura and a quick trip to Target. But other than that, it's been quiet without family here. I really hate the day my parents leave - the house is just so quiet and solemn. It's lonely!
Anyway, this wasn't all that interesting. I'm done pumping now though so till next time!
Here's what went down with the Ho Fam.
Christmas Eve:
My brother picked up my father from BWI and we met them at the jja-jjang-myun place in Annandale. It's the first place my dad hits everytime he lands in Virginia. Afterwards, MIL, FIL, SIL, and BIL came by the house. Yes, that's right! My lovely SIL and BIL are here!!! Olivia had a TERRIBLE night of sleeping. I had to sleep on the recliner as she rolled all over me.
Like a zombie, I passed Olivia to Mr. Ho early Christmas morning. He wished me a merry Christmas and I told him, "Bah Humbug!" After I regained consciousness, I made some waffles and we unwrapped gifts with warp speed. I received a beautiful gray circle scarf and some Jeffery Campbell boots from Mr. Ho. These boots are very different from what I normally wear - a little butch but I like them. Very comfortable and warm! There is one more item that is "in the works," but I'll believe it when I see it and blog all about it! I bought Mr. Ho white Air Force Ones, Bvlgari cologne and aftershave, and a battery-operated pepper grinder the replace the one he broke earlier this month. Olivia received the most gifts of all! Her absolute favorite was a personalized bowl from BFFF.
Mr. Ho was pretty tired so he stayed home while the rest of us ventured to my grandparent's home in Bethesda. My brother met us there. Grandma made some yummy food but it was seriously like 100 degrees in there. Olivia basically took a sweat bath so we didn't stay long. I had to get her home in time for a nap before the Christmas party at Mil and FIl's house, which was a great time. Lots of family, food, and festivities! It was really nice to see how the family is growing - first Olivia and now baby Azuza (my fond nickname for baby Woo).
Post Christmas Day:
We tried to hit the sale at Sak's but it was slim pickins. My parents ran errands during Olivia's 2nd nap and then we went to Korshi buffet in Centreville. It was ok. My dad had a good time though because Mr. Ho gave him a glass of scotch and was pretty drunk LOL. Mr. Ho went to bed early while my parents and I watched tv. I, actually, went into my facebook and blocked a whole bunch of people from viewing my profile and photos. I still need to go through my friends list and finish doing this.
My parents left super early. I was hoping the blizzard would hit us full force and they would stay another day. But I guess all we got was major wind action, no snow. Olivia and I met up with the cousins for lunch at Sakura and a quick trip to Target. But other than that, it's been quiet without family here. I really hate the day my parents leave - the house is just so quiet and solemn. It's lonely!
Anyway, this wasn't all that interesting. I'm done pumping now though so till next time!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
I love my daughter more than anything. There are no words to adequately describe how I feel about her.
That being said, there are some things I miss pre-baby (in no particular order)...
-playing my music super loud in the car
-shopping alone for hours
-having a tan
-working out
-taking naps
-sleeping in
-lazy Sundays
-quality time with my husband
-staying out past bath/bed time
-making plans and keeping them
-being able to leave the house at the drop of a hat
-watching a movie from beginning to end
-adult conversation
-taking trips
The key component in all of these things? TIME. Time for myself, time for others. My time is usurped by my baby. Every decision I make is dependent on her. There is nothing that's just about me anymore. I know there are many mothers who are not like this. They have a very balanced life or in some cases, more social than family-oriented. But I can't help it. Friends, you know me. I'm super stubborn and very particular about the way things need to be done. I know I'm a control freak! The idea of leaving her under someone's care makes me paranoid. I could do all of those things that I just listed, but at this point, I'd rather be pale, flabby, and boring. At least Olivia finds me funny and loveable!
I'm sure I will loosen up a bit and relax. In time.
That being said, there are some things I miss pre-baby (in no particular order)...
-playing my music super loud in the car
-shopping alone for hours
-having a tan
-working out
-taking naps
-sleeping in
-lazy Sundays
-quality time with my husband
-staying out past bath/bed time
-making plans and keeping them
-being able to leave the house at the drop of a hat
-watching a movie from beginning to end
-adult conversation
-taking trips
The key component in all of these things? TIME. Time for myself, time for others. My time is usurped by my baby. Every decision I make is dependent on her. There is nothing that's just about me anymore. I know there are many mothers who are not like this. They have a very balanced life or in some cases, more social than family-oriented. But I can't help it. Friends, you know me. I'm super stubborn and very particular about the way things need to be done. I know I'm a control freak! The idea of leaving her under someone's care makes me paranoid. I could do all of those things that I just listed, but at this point, I'd rather be pale, flabby, and boring. At least Olivia finds me funny and loveable!
I'm sure I will loosen up a bit and relax. In time.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Wednesday Night
Not much to say but thought I'd just add in a quick entry to get in the swing of blogging frequently.
We spent the day at home today. We have been going out to run errands the past few days so Olivia's nap schedule has been completely thrown off, which means her night sleep is not up to par. She is starting to really fuss when Mr. Ho leaves for work. It's really cute to see her get all worked up. If you ask her "Where's Appa?" she'll start to grunt and babble. She likes to say (what we believe to be) "Appa" over and over and over again. If you ask her "Where's Rocky?" she'll look up towards the stairs and babble since our poor dog sleeps the entire day and only comes down the stairs when Mr. Ho comes home from work.
I've also started planning her Dol. I think we are going to do it at this place called Palace Bar + Grill in Annandale. They have a pretty good facility. The only thing I really despise is the exterior of the building - it looks like a barn or something. But, they have all of the dol components in-house so less work, time, and money on my end. If you're reading this, you are invited! Unless you are some stranger who stumbled upon this site, then no, you are not invited.
Just a little over two months and she'll be an entire year old! I NEVER thought this day would come, especially during those sleep-deprived nights in the beginning. It's bittersweet to see her grow up so quickly. But you know what I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO looking forward to??? TO STOP PUMPING!!!!! I am going to go all Office Space on my pump on that day! I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!
I really love our Christmas tree this year. We've used the in-law's old tree the past few years, but Mr. Ho said, "new family, new tree!" I bought an 8.5 footer on target.com. Did you know you can buy a 20 foot tree on their site as well?? It's $2000 but good to know, right? How long can I keep the tree up without looking lazy? Usually, I take it down around New Years, but maybe I'll go crazy and keep it till my birthday! Ugh. My birthday. Last year of my 20s. It is just sad and I'd like it to pass quietly.
One of my favorite things about the holidays is getting cards in the mail. I love looking at my mantle full of cards. And I love the million packages at the front door since I do most of my shopping online. This year, Mr. Ho and I made lists of what we would want. His list was very simple and practical. Nothing too grand. Mine, on the other hand, was a bit long, excessive, and expensive. LOL! There were some items for less than $100, but I can't help it. You try spending most of your day in the confines of your home and tell me your imagination doesn't run wild. Mine just tends to run to the label-whoring side.
Anyway, I can actually make it to bed before 11 so I should go. Goodnight!
PS. Please excuse all spelling and grammar mistakes in all entries. Time is a luxury and I'd rather spend it doing something else then editing :)
We spent the day at home today. We have been going out to run errands the past few days so Olivia's nap schedule has been completely thrown off, which means her night sleep is not up to par. She is starting to really fuss when Mr. Ho leaves for work. It's really cute to see her get all worked up. If you ask her "Where's Appa?" she'll start to grunt and babble. She likes to say (what we believe to be) "Appa" over and over and over again. If you ask her "Where's Rocky?" she'll look up towards the stairs and babble since our poor dog sleeps the entire day and only comes down the stairs when Mr. Ho comes home from work.
I've also started planning her Dol. I think we are going to do it at this place called Palace Bar + Grill in Annandale. They have a pretty good facility. The only thing I really despise is the exterior of the building - it looks like a barn or something. But, they have all of the dol components in-house so less work, time, and money on my end. If you're reading this, you are invited! Unless you are some stranger who stumbled upon this site, then no, you are not invited.
Just a little over two months and she'll be an entire year old! I NEVER thought this day would come, especially during those sleep-deprived nights in the beginning. It's bittersweet to see her grow up so quickly. But you know what I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO looking forward to??? TO STOP PUMPING!!!!! I am going to go all Office Space on my pump on that day! I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!
I really love our Christmas tree this year. We've used the in-law's old tree the past few years, but Mr. Ho said, "new family, new tree!" I bought an 8.5 footer on target.com. Did you know you can buy a 20 foot tree on their site as well?? It's $2000 but good to know, right? How long can I keep the tree up without looking lazy? Usually, I take it down around New Years, but maybe I'll go crazy and keep it till my birthday! Ugh. My birthday. Last year of my 20s. It is just sad and I'd like it to pass quietly.
One of my favorite things about the holidays is getting cards in the mail. I love looking at my mantle full of cards. And I love the million packages at the front door since I do most of my shopping online. This year, Mr. Ho and I made lists of what we would want. His list was very simple and practical. Nothing too grand. Mine, on the other hand, was a bit long, excessive, and expensive. LOL! There were some items for less than $100, but I can't help it. You try spending most of your day in the confines of your home and tell me your imagination doesn't run wild. Mine just tends to run to the label-whoring side.
Anyway, I can actually make it to bed before 11 so I should go. Goodnight!
PS. Please excuse all spelling and grammar mistakes in all entries. Time is a luxury and I'd rather spend it doing something else then editing :)
Monday, December 20, 2010
The Return of the Ho
Hi friends!
I'm baaacckkk!! I stumbled upon my old blog entries and had a great time reminiscing. So I thought I'd start blogging again.
It's almost been a year since I last blogged and so much as changed. The obvious - my beautiful baby girl, Olivia! She is now almost 10 months old. She's crawling and trying to pull up on things. I love hearing her little voice make new sounds. Watching her personality develop is so much fun. We have come a long way since she was born. It's hard to put into words what the past 10 months have been like so I'll just say it has been a whirlwind adventure in babyland. And we'll just pick up the blog from there!
The Ho clan is just gearing up for the holidays. All the shopping has been accounted for (well, except for Mr. Ho) and the presents are wrapped. The immediate family decided to do Secret Santa this year so we are only responsible for one gift each. It makes life so much easier and it's recession-friendly!
My mom was supposed to fly up with my dad on Christmas eve but she was too excited to see Olivia so she's been here since the 11th. I try to have my parents Skype with her once a day. She gets super excited when they appear on the computer screen but it's totally different she sees them in person. She was pretty wary of my mom when she walked in the door. And I felt it took a couple of days for her to warm up 110% but now they are best buddies. I'm really excited for my dad to get here because he hasn't seen her in 6 months!
We took Olivia to see Santa Claus today at Tysons. I thought I was being brilliant by going on a Monday afternoon, but my goodness. It took 45 minutes for her to spend 3 minutes with him. It was pretty adorable though. Her bottom lip started to quiver and she just kept staring at him. She wasn't too pleased but she didn't scream bloody murder like some other kiddies.
Hmm... I feel like I'm just babbling. I don't have too many exciting stories. My day usually goes something like this:
Olivia wakes
Feed Olivia bottle
Play with Olivia (pump while she jumps around in her exersaucer and Mr. Ho keeps her company)
Feed Olivia solids
Olivia naps (most days we snuggle up and nap together)
Feed Olivia bottle
Play with Olivia (maybe run errands if it's not too cold)
Feed Olivia solids
Olivia naps (I'll do housework usually)
Feed Olivia bottle
Play with Olivia
Feed Olivia solids (prepare dinner while she she practices with finger foods)
Eat dinner and clean up while Olivia plays with Mr. Ho
Bathe Olivia
Feed Olivia bottle
Rock and snuggle
Olivia sleeps (then I pump, wash bottles, clean up some more, take a shower and go to bed)
Seems a bit redundant, huh? I won't lie - sometimes it gets to me. The days just run together and I lose track of time. Sometimes I just want to stab myself in the eye if I have to sing "Doe a Deer" one more time. But those moments are few and far between. She just changes so quickly and I know soon enough, I'll really miss these days. So I really try to relish each moment, each song, each milestone, each snuggle. For instance, I was rocking her at bedtime and her normal routine is to pinch my arms, neck, chin and cheeks and run her hands up and down my arms until she falls asleep. But today, she blew raspberries on my arms until she passed out. Ugh, I die.
Ok, I have to get some stuff done so I can go to bed at a decent hour. It's good to be back!
I'm baaacckkk!! I stumbled upon my old blog entries and had a great time reminiscing. So I thought I'd start blogging again.
It's almost been a year since I last blogged and so much as changed. The obvious - my beautiful baby girl, Olivia! She is now almost 10 months old. She's crawling and trying to pull up on things. I love hearing her little voice make new sounds. Watching her personality develop is so much fun. We have come a long way since she was born. It's hard to put into words what the past 10 months have been like so I'll just say it has been a whirlwind adventure in babyland. And we'll just pick up the blog from there!
The Ho clan is just gearing up for the holidays. All the shopping has been accounted for (well, except for Mr. Ho) and the presents are wrapped. The immediate family decided to do Secret Santa this year so we are only responsible for one gift each. It makes life so much easier and it's recession-friendly!
My mom was supposed to fly up with my dad on Christmas eve but she was too excited to see Olivia so she's been here since the 11th. I try to have my parents Skype with her once a day. She gets super excited when they appear on the computer screen but it's totally different she sees them in person. She was pretty wary of my mom when she walked in the door. And I felt it took a couple of days for her to warm up 110% but now they are best buddies. I'm really excited for my dad to get here because he hasn't seen her in 6 months!
We took Olivia to see Santa Claus today at Tysons. I thought I was being brilliant by going on a Monday afternoon, but my goodness. It took 45 minutes for her to spend 3 minutes with him. It was pretty adorable though. Her bottom lip started to quiver and she just kept staring at him. She wasn't too pleased but she didn't scream bloody murder like some other kiddies.
Hmm... I feel like I'm just babbling. I don't have too many exciting stories. My day usually goes something like this:
Olivia wakes
Feed Olivia bottle
Play with Olivia (pump while she jumps around in her exersaucer and Mr. Ho keeps her company)
Feed Olivia solids
Olivia naps (most days we snuggle up and nap together)
Feed Olivia bottle
Play with Olivia (maybe run errands if it's not too cold)
Feed Olivia solids
Olivia naps (I'll do housework usually)
Feed Olivia bottle
Play with Olivia
Feed Olivia solids (prepare dinner while she she practices with finger foods)
Eat dinner and clean up while Olivia plays with Mr. Ho
Bathe Olivia
Feed Olivia bottle
Rock and snuggle
Olivia sleeps (then I pump, wash bottles, clean up some more, take a shower and go to bed)
Seems a bit redundant, huh? I won't lie - sometimes it gets to me. The days just run together and I lose track of time. Sometimes I just want to stab myself in the eye if I have to sing "Doe a Deer" one more time. But those moments are few and far between. She just changes so quickly and I know soon enough, I'll really miss these days. So I really try to relish each moment, each song, each milestone, each snuggle. For instance, I was rocking her at bedtime and her normal routine is to pinch my arms, neck, chin and cheeks and run her hands up and down my arms until she falls asleep. But today, she blew raspberries on my arms until she passed out. Ugh, I die.
Ok, I have to get some stuff done so I can go to bed at a decent hour. It's good to be back!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
New Year, New Life
Hello 2010. You are 26 days old.
The New Year has been good to me so far. We celebrated by going to dinner at 2941 and having their tasting menu. It really was one of the best meals I've had in my life. Even though I couldn't enjoy it to the fullest since I couldn't have the raw foods or eat the Kobe beef the right way, it was still out of this world delicious. I really love me some truffles - shaved, oil, whatever. We actually finished dinner around 11:15 PM so we came home. We rang in the new year in our comfortable bed with my favorite Wegmans Sparkling Grape Juice. Mr. Ho passed out soon after. Good times!
We also took our one and only trip during this entire pregnancy. Ms. Kang, now the newly minted Mrs. Park got married in New Jersey. The wedding was so beautiful and special. I was a ball of hormones. The tears started as soon as she hit the aisle. And especially when she was dancing with her father. Her day also coincided with my birthday so I did spend my birthday weekend in NYC, eating xiao lum bao (I never remember how to spell that) and Milk Bar ice cream, cookies, and pork buns! Mr. Ho also spoiled me with some amazing gifts from Chanel - you can never go wrong with that.
So, I am 32 weeks now. The countdown has truly begun. Olivia's room is pretty much finished! Dad Ho came to hang up the mirror for us today. I just have to do some major laundry but will wait till the beginning of March to do it so it doesn't collect dust - a la Mom Lim's request. Her furniture is beautiful and everything goes so well with the paint and chandelier. Man, applying the decals to her wall was NO JOKE. Mr. Ho thoroughly impressed me with his patience and attention to detail. I was the one who wanted to half-ass it and ignore the air bubbles. But I guess he really wanted to make his daughter's room as perfect as he could! #1 Daddy already!
Two Saturdays ago, Mr. Ho and I took a Birthing Class, essentially a Lamaze course. It was info-packed but we did do some breathing exercises for contractions. You'll never know how it feels until you experience them for yourself, so I can't imagine what labor will be like. I hate being touched when sick. The instructor was encouraging us to hold hands and look into each other's eyes to focus. It was all fun and games during the exercises but I'm scared I will turn into an evil bitch when the time comes. Hopefully, I won't be too mean. Hopefully, Mr. Ho won't take it personally. In advance, I LOVE YOU, MR. HO! Don't hate me during labor!
I guess no one knocked on wood because I had a brief encounter with constipation and hemmroids. TMI? I don't care. You or your significant other will (most likely) have them too when with child.
This little girl could be making her debut anywhere from 5-10 weeks! Insanity.
The New Year has been good to me so far. We celebrated by going to dinner at 2941 and having their tasting menu. It really was one of the best meals I've had in my life. Even though I couldn't enjoy it to the fullest since I couldn't have the raw foods or eat the Kobe beef the right way, it was still out of this world delicious. I really love me some truffles - shaved, oil, whatever. We actually finished dinner around 11:15 PM so we came home. We rang in the new year in our comfortable bed with my favorite Wegmans Sparkling Grape Juice. Mr. Ho passed out soon after. Good times!
We also took our one and only trip during this entire pregnancy. Ms. Kang, now the newly minted Mrs. Park got married in New Jersey. The wedding was so beautiful and special. I was a ball of hormones. The tears started as soon as she hit the aisle. And especially when she was dancing with her father. Her day also coincided with my birthday so I did spend my birthday weekend in NYC, eating xiao lum bao (I never remember how to spell that) and Milk Bar ice cream, cookies, and pork buns! Mr. Ho also spoiled me with some amazing gifts from Chanel - you can never go wrong with that.
So, I am 32 weeks now. The countdown has truly begun. Olivia's room is pretty much finished! Dad Ho came to hang up the mirror for us today. I just have to do some major laundry but will wait till the beginning of March to do it so it doesn't collect dust - a la Mom Lim's request. Her furniture is beautiful and everything goes so well with the paint and chandelier. Man, applying the decals to her wall was NO JOKE. Mr. Ho thoroughly impressed me with his patience and attention to detail. I was the one who wanted to half-ass it and ignore the air bubbles. But I guess he really wanted to make his daughter's room as perfect as he could! #1 Daddy already!
Two Saturdays ago, Mr. Ho and I took a Birthing Class, essentially a Lamaze course. It was info-packed but we did do some breathing exercises for contractions. You'll never know how it feels until you experience them for yourself, so I can't imagine what labor will be like. I hate being touched when sick. The instructor was encouraging us to hold hands and look into each other's eyes to focus. It was all fun and games during the exercises but I'm scared I will turn into an evil bitch when the time comes. Hopefully, I won't be too mean. Hopefully, Mr. Ho won't take it personally. In advance, I LOVE YOU, MR. HO! Don't hate me during labor!
I guess no one knocked on wood because I had a brief encounter with constipation and hemmroids. TMI? I don't care. You or your significant other will (most likely) have them too when with child.
This little girl could be making her debut anywhere from 5-10 weeks! Insanity.
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