I wish pregnancy was like a Hollywood movie - cute little bump, a few grunts during labor, and a perfectly goo-free baby once out of the va-jay-jay. I never realized how delicate pregnancy could be. There are a million things that COULD go wrong, that DO go wrong. It's truly an amazing experience.
At first, it makes you feel like an alien-vessel. You are literally creating a HUMAN in your lady parts! I mean, wow. Just a little egg and a sperm join together and weeks later, you see a head and arms and legs on the ultrasound. That's just mind-blowing in itself. And then you see how your body changes and adapts to the baby. All the symptoms - nausea, low energy, cravings, etc - are all attributing to your baby growing and getting ready to pop out. Amazing. Obviously I know where we all come from, but when you think of every single person you know starting off as a little wee baby in their mother's womb, and turning into the person you know today, it is really, really fascinating and such a testament of God's work!
Some cravings in the past week - chapaghetti, japanese instant ramen, purple fanta, mashed potatoes. I am really dying to eat a Wreck from Potbelly's. Lunch meat is supposed to be avoided but I think I'll just nuke it in the microwave to kill any germs. And I really want this frozen lasagna my mom used to pop in the oven for dinner many moons ago. And of course, a huge slimy piece of salmon sushi. I am literally salivating right now!!
I was at Walgreens, cruising through a Cosmo, and in an article entitled, "Little Tricks to Please Your Man," or something like that, where they teach you how to make paper shot glasses. One of their tips was - instead of using a scrunchie to tie back your hair, use your THONG. It was also accompanied by a model with a yellow thong in her hair. WTF. If I did that, Mr. Ho would stare me down and make me wash my hair. Who would do that? What is wrong with Cosmo?
Ah, fall tv. A quick rundown:
Gossip Girl - love the fashion, story line is a bit slow.
Stopped watching Cougar Town and Eastwick.
The Hills - Oh Kristen, you are really playing up the whole "Bitch is back" shizz. And doesn't Heidi look interestingly deflated compared to past seasons? I think it's because her hair is not as curled. And maybe she's minimized the lip injections? Stephanie Pratt and Audrina both look like they need to lay off on the face work. And why is Spencer wearing that ugly cowboy hat and what looks to be a woman's necklace?
The City - My goodness, Whitney is so yawn-worthy. And why is she a fashion designer? She wears the most fugly clothes I have ever seen in my life. The star of that show is Olivia, LOVE her!
Heroes - I think Mr. Ho and I will stop watching this very soon. Boring.
Grey's - Not too impressed after the season premiere.
Project Runway - Yawn.
Top Chef - Only watching because of the chef hailing from Frederick!
Glee - My absolute favorite!
I think that's it. Ok, I am so heading to Potbelly's right now.
Love my people <3