5 members of the PTC went down to my father-in-law's condo in Virginia Beach. It was a grand time of doing nothing.
On the drive down, we hit a crap load of traffic on 95, or as Sally the GPS says, "I-95." It took over 5 hours to get down there and all I wanted was some damn Chick-Fil-A. I kept mistaking Friendly's signs for the Chick. BTW, Mr. Ho and I saw they are building the Chick RIGHT by my house. That can just mean danger.
The weather-people predicted stormy weather for the weekend, but it turned out beautiful. We were able to take a nice walk on the beach Friday night. We made some spaghetti, facebooked old classmates, and then passed out after midnight. I know, we really know how to party.
Saturday, we were out on the beach at 10:30 AM until a minor storm hit. We chowed on junk food all day long (Cheese-Its, Goldfish, Sour Cream + Onion chips, Chex Mix, ice cream, Reese Pieces, and M&Ms) and watched Steel Magnolias - one of those classic movies I've never seen. It was such a great movie! Even though it was made in the 80's, the humor was still so current. My favorite line of the movie? If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me! We ate dinner at some random Mexican restaurant and then watched Baby Mama. Again, we were in bed by midnight.
My, how times have changed. I used to party hard with these ladies. Every time I would visit them, I would always binge drink and end up puking all night long. Now, we share a bottle of wine and we are good.
We each have such separate lives and keeping in touch grows harder each year. It is amazing that our friendships have held strong and true. I can't wait to go somewhere fabulous when we all turn the dirty 30!
PS. We watched The Wrestler last week and I so loved it. However, it left me oh-so depressed! Mickey Rourke really was fantastic in his role. I am partial to fake wrestling because I used to watch it all the time with my Dad. Randy the Macho Man Savage, Hulk, Legion of Doom, Andre the Giant, Mean Gene, Junkyard Dog, Roddy Piper, anyone??